Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Potato Facts:

1.   Potatoes are grown in all 50 United States
2.   A potato is about 80% water.
3.   The rest is potato stuff.
4.   The world's largest potato weighed over 18 tons.
5.   I mean pounds.
6.   The potato is a relative of the tomato.
7.   I think they are cousins.
8.   Mr. Potato Head was born in 1952.
9.   He married Mrs. Potato Head in 1953.
10. That's right, he got married when he was 1 year old.
11. The sweet potato is most definitely not a real potato.
12. Thomas Jefferson served the first French Fries in America.
13. That is why he was a great president.
14. Mashed Potato Time is a song as well as time to eat mashed potatoes.


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